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*Vera Vicious* 24, Ohio >Eye Candy Model< Piercing Artist @ThunderBunnyTattoos FEMINIST Horror Fanatic Writer/Artist BiPride Outspoken and Motivated

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Alexie response.

Frank Ross asked Alexie about the political nature of his writing, quoting him as saying he does not like to beat readers over the head with it. Alexie replied: “I like to make them laugh first, then beat them over the head . . . when they are defenseless.” Describe some examples from the stories that demonstrate this tactic. Choose one example to focus on and explain how the humor and political point work together as in the above quote.

I thought that the story "Because My Father Always Said He Was the Only Indian Who Saw Jimi Hendrix Play "The Star-Spangled Banner" at Woodstock," is a good representation of Alexie's response, "I like to make them laugh first, then beat them over the head...when they are defenseless." I believe this because the story is about a boy named Victor who's father is a big music fan, who takes his obsession for music too far, pushing his family away. Through out the story, we see how much Victor's father uses music and alcohol to escape his problems with his wife, and to try to remain in the moment that he experienced at Woodstock. I feel Alexie does this to show the humor in this families destruction. He talks about how the father would react, and the boy falling asleep at his dads shoes. Although, this is not necessarily a funny situation, he uses the music to lighten the mood.

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